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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Making The All Stars Team

Date of occurrence:
June 27, 2015.

Leo and Emmaly arrive around 7 pm and we all are happy to see each other. The kids have grown and Emmaly is almost as tall as Leo. The latter has exchanges several baby teeth for permanent ones which are now proudly filling the gaps.

They were late because Leo had an important baseball game today. Our little slugger was chosen to play in the All Stars team. The game had reached a tie close to the end when it was Leo's turn.

He hit the ball hard and his team got two more players in.

They won and two trophies now adorn Leo's room as a reminder of this extraordinary occasion.

Congratulations, little Munchkin man. We are so proud of you.

You literally and figuratively stepped up to the plate!


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