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Friday, September 18, 2015

I Know That Game

Date of occurrence:
June 27, 2015.

It is nearing bedtime when Emmaly asks for a snack. I tell her it is too late for a snack, but she can have one tomorrow. The little critter is satisfied with that answer and goes back to playing.

About ten minutes later Leo proclaims they hadn't had any supper yet before they got here. Oh dear, I wish Emmaly had told me that when she asked for the snack. We got to correct that situation at once and within no time they are munching on a good meal.

While enjoying their food, Emmaly tells Leo she knows that game and points at the chess table.
Emmaly: "You take the horse and move it to an empty space. And when you get there, you can keep it!"

She makes it sound so simple and easy. If we play chess, we better keep a close eye on her when she makes a move.

She'll wipe you off the board in no time!


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