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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cold Hands

Date of occurrence:
September 22, 2015.

As I am watching Bell and Lily, Bell finds a dress she wants me to put on her.

That is quickly done and I tell her to turn around so I can button her apparel.

While I am closing the button, she says: "Cold."
Me: "Are you cold?"
Bell: "No. Hands cold".
I smile and say: "Yes, my hands are cold. Sorry."

Without hesitation she takes my hand and puts it against her cheek. After a few moments she takes it away and plants a kiss on it. Aw, how sweet.

Little do I know she wants me to return the favor, but I am about to find out. She holds her hand up, but since it is not cold, she claims it has an 'ouch'. I take her hand and kiss it. She smiles and focusses her attention on something else.

My hands are still cold, but Bell sure warmed my heart!


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