Princess Motor Mouth
Date of occurrence:
September 22, 2015.
Bell is talking up a storm. That little mouth just doesn't stop. A lot of it is jibber jabber and does not make much sense and a lot of what I do understand might need some explanation.
She orders me to sit on the couch and leans over. "Pitty neckace (pritty necklace). Where my neckace?"
Me: "I don't know. Where is it?"
Bell: "donno (don't know). Neckace maya neda woom (necklace may be in the room)."
She gets up and walks to the bedroom and comes back without necklace, but with a cute, little box.
Bell: "Wook. Bell botch (look, Bell's box)."
Me: "Wow, what a pretty box. What's in it?"
Bell opens the box and shows me some eye-shadow: "Make-up. Izze for eye."
She suddenly shifts gears, looks at the door and asks: "Where Momma? Popeye gone?"
Yeah, the Popeye is Bell's word for Opa. She tried to say Opa, but it first ended up in Opeye and eventually resulted in Popeye.
Even though she is preoccupied, I try again.
Me: "Can you say 'Opa'?"
Bell, without any hesitation: "Opa."
Me: "Good job! You can say it."
She quickly moves on to something else: a pitty surt (pretty shirt) she donno where is, but maya neda woom.
She comes back with a cute, pink dress. After putting it on her, she twirls around and proclaims she is a pinness (princess).
Yup, she sure is. A little Princess Motor Mouth!
September 22, 2015.
Bell is talking up a storm. That little mouth just doesn't stop. A lot of it is jibber jabber and does not make much sense and a lot of what I do understand might need some explanation.
She orders me to sit on the couch and leans over. "Pitty neckace (pritty necklace). Where my neckace?"
Me: "I don't know. Where is it?"
Bell: "donno (don't know). Neckace maya neda woom (necklace may be in the room)."
She gets up and walks to the bedroom and comes back without necklace, but with a cute, little box.
Bell: "Wook. Bell botch (look, Bell's box)."
Me: "Wow, what a pretty box. What's in it?"
Bell opens the box and shows me some eye-shadow: "Make-up. Izze for eye."
She suddenly shifts gears, looks at the door and asks: "Where Momma? Popeye gone?"
Yeah, the Popeye is Bell's word for Opa. She tried to say Opa, but it first ended up in Opeye and eventually resulted in Popeye.

Me: "Can you say 'Opa'?"
Bell, without any hesitation: "Opa."
Me: "Good job! You can say it."
She quickly moves on to something else: a pitty surt (pretty shirt) she donno where is, but maya neda woom.
She comes back with a cute, pink dress. After putting it on her, she twirls around and proclaims she is a pinness (princess).
Yup, she sure is. A little Princess Motor Mouth!
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