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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

On Display

Date of occurrence:
October 7, 2015.

Kc has already advanced in scouting from wolf to bear and has accumulated a galore of badges. Most badges were kept in a book and his retired wolf outfit resided in the closet.

Opa's uncle also sent our little man some vintage neckerchief slides which I would like to be showcased as well.

I figured there ought to be a way to display his achievements and came up with this idea.

I cut and sewed some left over fabric to the right measurement and weaved it through the slats of his closet doors.

That made for a perfect background to sew on his wolf attire and the badges he earned as a wolf scout, which I did on the left side.

Next to it are the badges he already got as a bear scout and as soon as he advances, his bear outfit will adorn the top part of that door.

The vintage slides found a place in a picture frame, mounted on the wall over the closet.

I was pleased with the fruits of my labor, but that wasn't important.

Most important was that our little man was very happy with the result!


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