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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Smiling Lily

Date of occurrence:
September 22, 2015.

I am watching Lily and Bell so Opa can drive Mom to the store to get some groceries and the oh so needed baby formula. Yeah, Bell did it again. She got a hold of Lily's last can of formula and spilled it all over the floor and the couch.

Lily is fussing a little. As I lay her on the bed, she looks at me intensively. Bell is sitting next to her, blabbering away. I start talking to Lily and all of a sudden, she gives me a smile. Aww, how cute.

I keep on talking and her little arms and legs start uncontrollably waving in the air.

She is straining and with success. A sound escapes from her little mouth.

I don't know which is cuter: the smile or the sound she made. Oh, let's just admit it.

They are both priceless!


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