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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Outing

Date of occurrence:
September 26, 2015.

A family outing is on the agenda. Even though l'il Lily is too young to go and Kc has gone camping with the scouts, Isabella is all up for it and looking forward to having her parents' undivided attention.

They go to the Sea Lab first. There is so much to see and do. Bell observes fish she has never seen before and even gets to touch some of them.

She gets to sit in a toy boat, try on a life-vest, play with water, and doesn't even shy away from experiencing how a diving helmet fits her.

I get the impression she is more concentrated on playing Peek-a-Boo in it. Grin.

After having spent time in the Sea Lab, they go off to the beach.

The weather is perfect for Bell to splash in the water, play in the sand, and look for sea shells.

All good things come to an end and before they know it the time to go home has arrived, because the sun is trading places with the moon.

And within no time our little Isabella is trading sand with the sandman!


Blogger audrey` said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Lieve Zus & Family :)

25/11/15 4:26 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thank you so much, lieve zus. I know you don't celebrate it, but we hope you had a great one yourself.

We didn't get to see the kids. They were all sick, but we will make up for it around Christmas time when they will be back.

We are looking forward to it!!!! :-)

God's Grace.

27/11/15 6:20 AM  

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