Good Bye Tooth
Date of occurrence:
December 29, 2015.
This afternoon we got a call from our youngest daughter. She was all excited, because Emmaly just lost her first tooth.
It is one on the bottom and Emmaly had been wiggling it for a while.
It had gotten to the point to where it was hardly holding on and came out on the count of three.
You can imagine how Emmaly is looking forward to the Tooth Fairy tonight. She may be looking for her again pretty soon.
The tooth next to it is about to leave the premises too!
December 29, 2015.
This afternoon we got a call from our youngest daughter. She was all excited, because Emmaly just lost her first tooth.
It is one on the bottom and Emmaly had been wiggling it for a while.
You can imagine how Emmaly is looking forward to the Tooth Fairy tonight. She may be looking for her again pretty soon.
The tooth next to it is about to leave the premises too!
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