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Monday, February 1, 2016

The Goodest

Date of occurrence:
December 30, 2015.

All the kids got a tablet for Christmas and Kc is already making good use of it by texting Opa and sending me pictures.

We haven't heard anything out of Leo yet, but that can change on a dime once he discovers this new means of communication. He is probably more into playing all the games that opened up to him.

As for Emmaly, she sent us an email last night. Since she is just starting to read and write, Mom typed it for her. It said:

"This is Emmaly. I love you. You are the best and oma's desserts are the goodests.

Love, Emmaly
(Written by mama for Emmaly)"

That is the goodest way I can think of to start our day! :-)


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