Happy Birthday, Boys!!!
Date of occurrence:
January 31, 2010.
The boys are 2 and almost 3 years old.
Leo's Birthday was yesterday and the little rascal is 2 years old now. February 8th is Kc's Birthday and that little rascal will turn 3 already. Yeah, time flies.
We heard their mom had planned a party for mid February when their daddy would be home. We figured we would not be invited, but we did not want the boys to go without a celebration from our side of the family either.
We decided to throw the boys a party and had them and their little sister over today. They loved the Birthday decorations and ate their tummies full with cake. We had gotten each one of the boys a small chocolate cake and let them have at it.
They truly enjoyed their presents and even though they still don't quite understand what a Birthday is, they even enjoyed interacting with the visitors.
I was kind of upset when I realised we did not even take one picture of the entire event; how awful! The only excuse I have is that we have been way too preoccupied with all the problems and actions which were thrown at us and we had to deal with.
At least we have some good memories! :-)
January 31, 2010.
The boys are 2 and almost 3 years old.

We heard their mom had planned a party for mid February when their daddy would be home. We figured we would not be invited, but we did not want the boys to go without a celebration from our side of the family either.
We decided to throw the boys a party and had them and their little sister over today. They loved the Birthday decorations and ate their tummies full with cake. We had gotten each one of the boys a small chocolate cake and let them have at it.
They truly enjoyed their presents and even though they still don't quite understand what a Birthday is, they even enjoyed interacting with the visitors.
I was kind of upset when I realised we did not even take one picture of the entire event; how awful! The only excuse I have is that we have been way too preoccupied with all the problems and actions which were thrown at us and we had to deal with.
At least we have some good memories! :-)
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