Happy Birthday, Emmy!
Date of occurrence:
October 8, 2010.
Emmy is 1 year old!
Yup, time flies; our little granddaughter is exactly one year old today and walking around as if she hasn't done anything else her entire little life.
We had planned to throw her a party here at our house, but the plans changed rather quick. Our son in law was going to be home the day of the party and daughter decided to celebrate Emmy's Birthday the same day, instead of a week later as she initially had told us.
We did not attend the party; we are neither comfortable, nor agree with both the situation and the people invited. Attending the party would indicate we are okay with what is going on and who all is involved in our grandchildrens' lives, but it is not okay and we rather distantiate ourselves from all that.
Even though that is our decision, it certainly doesn't mean that our little granddaughter is loved less; not by any stretch of the imagination! We love that little critter with all our hearts and we are so grateful for her.
She may be a cute, little, one year old, but she is a major blessing!
October 8, 2010.
Emmy is 1 year old!

We had planned to throw her a party here at our house, but the plans changed rather quick. Our son in law was going to be home the day of the party and daughter decided to celebrate Emmy's Birthday the same day, instead of a week later as she initially had told us.
We did not attend the party; we are neither comfortable, nor agree with both the situation and the people invited. Attending the party would indicate we are okay with what is going on and who all is involved in our grandchildrens' lives, but it is not okay and we rather distantiate ourselves from all that.
Even though that is our decision, it certainly doesn't mean that our little granddaughter is loved less; not by any stretch of the imagination! We love that little critter with all our hearts and we are so grateful for her.
She may be a cute, little, one year old, but she is a major blessing!
Hey Opa & Oma
Happy belated birthday to Emma and may our Gracious God bless you and keep you safe !
Oma I can imagine what you all have to put up with ! May all your wishes be blessed and full of love !
Thanks so much! We hope y'all are doing well and remember y'all in our prayers.
God's Grace.
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