The Easter Bunny Is Coming?
Date of occurrence:
September 18, 2011.
The boys had an overload of toys and I decided to put most of them in our storage building, leave a basket full of toys out in the living room, and switch them out on a regular basis. That would give them something new to play with and save them a whole lot of time cleaning up as well.
While Leo was digging in the basket, he found both bunnies he and his brother had gotten for Easter one time.
After playing with it for a while, he suddenly asked me; "Easter Bunny coming here?"
I confirmed he would, but it was going to take a long time. Since Leo has no notion of a timeframe yet, I tried to explain to him that it was too early for the Easter Bunny and that Thanksgiving and Santa Claus would be here first.
He didn't grasp the concept of time, but he sure grasped the fact that Santa Claus was not that far away anymore. His eyes lit up and a vague smile appeared on his face; "Sanna Claus is coming here?"
Yes, little Munchkin man, he is and he is probably bringing more toys and yeah, you sure need those! Grin.
September 18, 2011.
The boys had an overload of toys and I decided to put most of them in our storage building, leave a basket full of toys out in the living room, and switch them out on a regular basis. That would give them something new to play with and save them a whole lot of time cleaning up as well.
While Leo was digging in the basket, he found both bunnies he and his brother had gotten for Easter one time.
After playing with it for a while, he suddenly asked me; "Easter Bunny coming here?"
I confirmed he would, but it was going to take a long time. Since Leo has no notion of a timeframe yet, I tried to explain to him that it was too early for the Easter Bunny and that Thanksgiving and Santa Claus would be here first.
He didn't grasp the concept of time, but he sure grasped the fact that Santa Claus was not that far away anymore. His eyes lit up and a vague smile appeared on his face; "Sanna Claus is coming here?"
Yes, little Munchkin man, he is and he is probably bringing more toys and yeah, you sure need those! Grin.
hi mamu. how he's grown. sometimes adults should also think like kids do... no concept of time... i guess waiting will be more fun. =)
I agree, it would be more fun, but on the other hand we wouldn't learn how to be patient.
James 1:4
But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Everything for a reason, huh?! :-)
God's Grace.
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