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Friday, February 15, 2013

Caught Red-Handed

Date of occurrence:
October 18, 2012.
Levi is almost 9 months old.

Our little guy is growing bigger and bigger and is getting 4 teeth at the same time. That must be painful, but it doesn't prevent him from being mischievous whenever the opportunity arises.

He sure has no problem whatsoever getting anywhere and to what he wants. That can present a problem, especially when mom has to get busy. She is no exception to the rule by having eyes in the back of her head and the playpen is a safe and excellent alternative.

At least that is what you would suspect, but nothing is less true. Those spindles are far enough apart to grab anything within reach. The trick is to ensure mom and dad don't notice it, so you got to keep an eye out at all times.

That is of the utmost importance when you don't like what is on TV and decide to go for your daddy's remote control. All those buttons are so fascinating, but they also represent power and being able to lay your hands on that is extremely exciting.

Our little guy is so focused on making sure his daddy doesn't notice that little hand inching closer and closer to the remote that he totally forgets his mom is always checking on her little rascal.

Levi may not know it yet, but he just got caught red-handed!


Blogger audrey` said...

Levi is so cute :)

16/2/13 3:48 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Yeahhh, he is such a cute, little rascal! :-D

God's Grace.

16/2/13 6:12 AM  

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