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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Enjoying The Fruits Of Your Labor

This post brought to you by Scotts Miracle-Gro. All opinions are 100% mine.

Our grandchildren will be staying with us the entire month of July and I am trying to figure out what all we can do to keep them busy.

They love being outside and we could kill two birds with one stone by doing some landscaping. Planters like these would work well in our yard and each one of the kids could have and design their own little garden.

They can plant seeds, flowers and/or vegetables and once the seeds have germinated and the plants have developed, we would do wisely to spread Scotts Florida Select Natural Eucalyptus Mulch 3 inches deep around them.

 photo 6d50af2c-aba7-44e2-b0ed-d3510804d726_zps3aae88a5.jpg

Using this mulch around trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables is highly effective; it prevents weeds, maintains moisture, moderates the temperature, and is all natural. It doesn't contain any waste wood whatsoever.

You can call it sustainable gardening and an excellent, sustainable alternative to Cypress, because Eucalyptus re-grows up to 4-times faster. The Eucalyptus trees are not only 100% grown in Florida, but are plantation-grown as well.

When you live in Florida, buying this mulch would help out your local economy. When you live in another state, you ought to use Scotts Nature Scapes mulch; It has the same benefits comes in Classic Black, Sierra Red, and Deep Forest Brown, and in a variety of textures.

Deep Forest Brown photo ScreenShot2013-04-04at13636PM_zpsf0e45903.png

We wouldn't need a lot of gardening supplies; some hand gardening tools, a watering can, and a few bags of Eucalyptus mulch would already do the trick.

It would be nice planting some flowers around our Crape Myrtle like in this photo, but we have to keep the mulch several inches away from the tree trunk, house foundation, or other wooden structures though.

Eucalyptus Mulch is the best option for your landscaping designs and a must for a well-groomed, luscious garden.

I wished our grandchildren would have been here in spring to do the gardening. That way, they could have enjoyed the fruits of their labor in July!

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