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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Date of occurrence:
December 25, 2012.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

We got to talk to three of our grandchildren on facetime and, as was to be expected, they were covered up with gifts. Leo had to show us each and everyone he got and what they could do and Kc was proud to promenade for us in his new Buzz Lightyear pajamas.

Emmaly popped in and out of the picture for just a second and then took off to all her goodies. We can't blame her; too much to do and play with and too little time to do it.

Another thing Kc was thrilled about was the computer he got, so he could learn his letters and he mentioned he was going to send us some. Upon asking what letters, he replied he would send us and I, O, U, and Y. How sweet, we can hardly wait.

Our other little guy across the pond must be entirely confused by now. First he was Santa's little helper and now he got dressed up as a reindeer. How is that for celebrating your first Christmas?

Judging by that huge smile on his face, I don't think he minded very much being either one.

Those antlers on top of that little, cute head didn't seem to bother him. And why should it? They grew at a moment's notice and would disappear quicker then the time it would take for Santa to slide down the chimney!


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