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Friday, March 29, 2013

The First Encounter

Date of occurrence:
December 6, 2012.

In the Netherlands, December 6 is celebrated as being Saint Nicolas' birthday. For those of you who are not familiar with Saint Nicolas; he was the Patron Saint of sailors and the Roman Catholic Bishop of Myra. He was born around 270 AD and became famous during his life because of his reputation for his secret gift-giving.

Saint Nicholas Day is especially geared towards the children. Santa Claus, as well as Father Christmas, both originated from Saint Nicolas and the Dutch name 'Sinterklaas' is also said to be at the foundation of Santa Claus' name.

Tradition goes that Saint Nicolas rides a horse over the rooftops and his helper Black Peter, who carries a big bag with presents, drops the gifts down the chimneys. Naughty kids risk being put in the bag and taken with them, or get a feel of Black Peter's bundle of switches.

The appearance of Saint Nicolas and Black Peter in particular, usually is quite intimidating to children.

Apparently Levi's first encounter with him prodded more curiosity then fear. I am not surprised. Our little guy has been more then good all year long and will probably be covered in gifts. He has absolutely no reason to be afraid.

He sure didn't mind sitting in his lap and checking him out and there is no doubt in my mind he was probably laughing all the way home, knowing how many presents would be waiting there for him!

Well done, little guy. Well done! :-)


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