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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Helping Santa Claus

Date of occurrence:
December 9, 2012.

I can imagine Levi has no clue as to what is happening from one day to the next where the Holidays are concerned. Just a little while ago he had his first encounter with 'Sinterklaas' and now he is on a collision course with Santa Claus.

He probably doesn't mind very much making their acquaintance, because both bring gifts to those who have been nice and Levi has got nothing to be afraid of where that is concerned. Besides, let's be honest; who can ever get enough of receiving all those presents?

I don't think Levi had any notion as to what mom managed to hoist him in. It probably didn't make any difference to him. Clothes are clothes and no matter what the outfit is, you protest and do not cooperate when having to put them on.

I can only suspect what must have gone through his little mind after he found out he was dressed up like Santa's little helper: "Deck the halls? Jingle bells? A Holly Jolly Christmas? I am ready. I will be a big help unwrapping all those gifts, so bring it on"!

I have a slight suspicion that he wouldn't care much for the silent night though. That is a little too much to ask. He just loves to talk! Grin.


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