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Monday, April 22, 2013

The Short End Of The Stick

Date of occurrence:
December 29, 2012.

Even though the weather isn't really cooperating very much across the pond, you grab the opportunity to get out when it presents itself.

It is always nice to take a little walk and get some fresh air and you can kill two birds with one stone by bringing the dog along.

Although Levi and Tyson are the best of friends, every now and then there is some friction. That is okay, as long as they are able to work it out. Looking at this little scene here, it seems like they reached an impasse.

It is quite clear that Tyson is not about to let go of the stick he got in his possession and it is almost as if he is daring our little guy to jump out of his stroller and come and get it, or at least give it a try.

Levi on the other hand is obviously contemplating on how to lay his little hands on that stick. Jumping out of the stroller is not possible yet and I have a slight suspicion that he is going to use his mom to obtain that desired object.

That would be a very ungrateful task; no matter who she would decide to give it to, she is going to end up with either cries of discontent from Levi, or being barked at by Tyson.

How is that for getting the short end of the stick?!


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