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Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Colorful Creation

Date of occurrence:
December 8, 2012.
Levi is 11 months and 2 weeks old.

It is that time of year where we are heading towards the Holidays. Christmas is not that far away anymore and we pondered on sending our little guy something memorable for his first Christmas. We decided on a Christmas ornament with the year, his name, and date of birth on it.

It arrived there well on time, for which we were grateful, and the light blue decoration got a prominent place in their Christmas tree.

It is also that time of year when putting out decorations demands some creativity and imagination.

All those well-placed and colorful decorations must have inspired Levi to demonstrate his own skills and arty abilities.

None of that would have taken place though if his mom hadn't thought about it and given her consent. After all, she is the one who has to take care of cleaning up the mess.

It doesn't seem like he finger-painted very much outside his piece of paper, but we don't know that for sure; we never got to see the after-the-fact picture. We can only assume that our little guy turned himself into a little mess as well.

There is no need to complain about that. Every aspiring painter has to start somewhere and I sincerely doubt that none of our great artists ever got any paint on them.

On the contrary; sometimes it takes a mess in order to create something beautiful and Levi sure did a wonderful job. Yeah, probably on both! Grin.


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