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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Out Of Sorts

Date of occurrence:
November 22, 2012.

We were so thrilled having been able to watch our little guy over the Internet and we had made plans to do that again this week on mom's day off. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be because our little guy came down with some sort of skin disease which caused him a great deal of discomfort.

He sure wasn't in his element and made that clearly known to his mom. He demonstrated it by being in a bad mood and through a lot of crying. Since mom didn't want him to spread his viral skin disease throughout the daycare she took off from work this week.

I can totally understand that she also rather wanted to be with and take care of him while he was feeling so bad. Knowing that the poor little critter was so out of sorts and certainly not up for sitting still for a while, we decided to postpone Skype until he was healed from this condition.

Kids will get sick and there is often not much you can do to prevent it from happening. We can only take care of them as best as we can and hope and pray they will be feeling better soon. We certainly have those hopes and prayers for our little Levi.

Get well soon, little guy!


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