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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

This post brought to you by Allstate. All opinions are 100% mine.

We are confronted by many situations in life that are not pleasurable by any means. We can get all depressed and let them drag us down, or we look for the positive and celebrate that.

To give you an example; a couple of years ago, we didn't get to see our grandchildren at all. Their mom was angry with us and kept them away. We wondered if they were alright and feared we would never see them again.

During that period, our oldest grandson who was only three then, got hold of his mom's phone on a couple of occasions and called us. It was so good hearing him and although many would call it a coincidence, to us it was an Allstate Good Life moment.

After six months the situation turned around completely. Our daughter had no one to watch the children and unexpectedly showed up on our doorstep. The bond between our daughter, our grandchildren, and us has been restored and is now stronger then ever.

We all have stories like that and I would love to hear yours. You can share your good life story in the comment section of this post. Please do, I would love celebrating it with you, because there is something positive and good in everything. When you let adversity, fear and doubt take the reign you can never enjoy the good things in life.

Allstate's 'Good Hands for the Good Life' offers more reasons to celebrate. Their new brand vision is that more good than bad happens in life. To emphasize the first, they offer accident-forgiveness, reward you for driving accident-free, offer free access to Good Hands's Roadside Assistance and many helpful tools, tips and perks on their new website.

Local agents are ready to help out with the big and small things that come up so you don't have to worry, hence making living the good life easier every day. All that sure is new and different for an insurance company and another great example of how every cloud has a silver lining!

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Blogger audrey` said...

(((HUGS))) Lieve Zus!

Those were the cloudy days.

29/5/13 8:09 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Yup, but even then there were blessings galore, lieve zus. :-)

God's Grace.

30/5/13 3:27 AM  

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