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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The 'Stop And Drop' Syndrome

Date of occurrence:
February 2, 2013.

Sometimes, you need to have some friends over, enjoy each others' company, and have some fun.

In Levi's case, that especially means the latter and since his friends are either around his age or a little bit older, having fun is mainly determined by the toys at hand. Or is it????

Those enjoyable times keep the little ones busy, but once done playing, you can rest assured that the place looks like a bomb of toys went off and scattered them throughout the house.

From experience I know that the toys which are so readily available will all be examined, tried, and put to good use. There is only one thing about those toys that is rather unpleasant; they suffer from 'stop and drop' syndrome.

Once they have served their purpose, they end up anywhere and everywhere except for in their designated place. I am not sure what is more fun; playing with them or just leaving them at your current location before moving on.

On second thought, it may not be the toys who decide where they end up at. I have a great suspicion that Levi and his friends may have a lot to do with that. It should be expected and so should the situation afterwards.

We would do well to predict a predicament for the parents. Grin.


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