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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Go To Goatee

Date of occurrence:
January 18, 2013.

I totally forgot to tell you how well Bell is growing. Even though she is just one week old, she already displays that she has quite a temper. She doesn't cry very often, but when she does she makes it quite clear you better hurry up and get that bottle ready. Nothing else will do.

Once that little tummy is full, she may be awake for a little bit and look around. Most of the times, she falls asleep when she is being rocked. When she is not, she makes all kinds of grunting noises.

I held her up in front of and very close to Opa. She most definitely was fascinated by his voice and examined his face closely.

His goatee seemed to draw her attention and even though I am very sure it was all by accident, her little hand went straight to the object of her fascination.

Then the funniest and most awkward thing happened; as soon as she touched his goatee, she left her hand buried in it and..... instantly fell asleep. She lay there so quietly, peacefully and content and it was almost a pity to take her away and put her in bed.

At least we know now who to go to, or in this case goatee to, when she throws a tantrum! Grin.


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