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Friday, May 3, 2013

Home, Sweet Home

Date of occurrence:
January 18, 2013.

After having spent a few days in the hospital both mother and baby were doing fine and got discharged. They went to their grandmother's house to spend some time by themselves before coming home, but when they did come home, it was a happy occasion.

Aunt A. ensured she was present and could make acquaintance with her new niece. She had to hold the little critter as well of course and I can't blame her, seeing how I had the same urge and beat her to it. Grin.

Our youngest granddaughter's name is already shortened from Isabella to Bell and that didn't seem to bother baby Bell a bit, because she didn't complain or object. She was hard asleep and that wasn't a big surprise either. Her tummy was full and she was nice and warm being all bundled up.

It was a little difficult finding the tiny one under all those layers of clothing and if her little face hadn't been uncovered, you wouldn't even have known she was hidden somewhere in that bundle.

That is likely to change real quickly. Those little bundles of joy have the tendency to grow up way too fast and I have a slight suspicion Bell is no exception to the rule.

You can't prevent it and it honestly doesn't really matter, because just like all our grandchildren, she is and always will be a bundle of joy to us!


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