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Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy birthday, Levi!

Date of occurrence:
January 23, 2013.

Yes, time flies as I have mentioned several times before. Today it is Levi's first Birthday and there is no doubt in our minds he will be spoiled rotten.

He already celebrated this happy occasion at his daycare center yesterday, where he was crowned with a paper hat which said; Hurrayyy!!!! Levi is 1.

The best part of that celebration is of course unwrapping some of his presents, but most of all nibbling on the treats he brought to share with the entire class.

Mom sure dedicated a lot of time at the presentation of some healthy snacks.

It was well worth it and a job well done. They not only look gorgeous and very colorful, but extremely appetizing as well.

We transferred some cash to Mom and Dad with the request to buy our little guy something for his Birthday.

Sending presents overseas is financially an outrage and a waste of money and Mom promised they would get him something and she would let us know what they decided upon.

Levi may not yet know what it means to have a Birthday, but he sure enjoyed his cute cake and made short notice of it.

I don't think anyone minded his sugar-rush. He probably needed it to make it through the rest of this remarkable day. Grin.

Happy Birthday, Levi!

We love you and hope you have a wonderful Birthday!


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