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Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Snow Job

Date of occurrence:
January 21, 2013.

Even in the harshest winter, snow is something we get to see on extremely rare cases in our neck of the woods. Whatever amount of snowflakes would decide to come down here is minimal and not really worth mentioning, and it melts as soon as it hits the ground.

The Netherlands saw a galore of snow this year. That is nothing new, but it must have been out of the ordinary this time, because my mom complained about it being so much and how the forecast predicted more to come.

We ought to be thankful for hardly getting any snow since it can create a lot of problems and chaos, but it is a ton of fun for the children and even adults alike as Levi found out; he got to go on his first sleigh-ride.

He sure enjoyed it tremendously and who wouldn't? There is nothing more exciting and enjoyable than being pulled through that winter wonderland and watching your parents slip and slide through all that cold, white substance.

The sleigh-ride was very entertaining and more than worthy of a repeat. Our little guy sure had a great time. How do we know? Look at his smile and you will have to agree that he didn't do a good snow job at hiding that!


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