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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Birthday, Kc!

Date of occurrence:
February 8, 2013.

Today, our oldest grandson turns six! It is hard to believe; it seems almost like yesterday when we held him in our arms a couple of hours after he came into this world.

We called him and found out he was really excited about his Birthday.

He told us they were about to put the icing on his chocolate cake which would have 6 candles on it and when that was done, he was going to eat it. I told him to make a wish after he blew out the candles and he assured me he would.

He was not going to tell what the wish was, because if he did his wish would not come true. Smarty-pants!

They had moved to their new home and Kc had started his new school. He is in last year of Kindergarten, told us his teacher's name, and said that so far he liked the new school. He also told us we had to come over so we could see it and I assured him we would as soon as possible.

It is obvious he is a thinker. He pointed out that we didn't know where they were living now, because they had moved. I told him we didn't have their address, but would get that from his Dad which we did.

He was in a hurry to get off the phone; his cake was almost ready for consumption. Well, what are you waiting for? Go and enjoy, little man.

Happy Birthday, Casey! We love you!


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