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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Isabella Ann

Date of occurrence:
January 11, 2013.

And there she is; little Isabella Ann, our second granddaughter and grandchild number five. She weighs 6 lbs and 10 oz (3,5 kg) and is 19 inches (48,3 cm) tall.

We didn't expect her to be born this month. She was actually due in February, but mom and doctor decided otherwise. She was born with a c-section and although that normally doesn't present any problems, in this case it caused some fluid in her lungs.

It wasn't really bad and was resolved rather quickly. The only consequence it had was that she didn't cry that much and that loud when she came into this world.

She has a full head of hair and we are not used to that. All our other four grandkids were born with little to no hair, but Isabella is the exception to the rule and we can't wait to see what color it turns out to be.

Right now it is rather dark, but seeing how her eyebrows are not very noticeable, I wouldn't be surprised if she is going to be a blonde. Time will tell and that is of little importance at the moment. Of the utmost importance is that both mother and baby are doing well. And thankfully they are.

How is that for ringing in the New Year?!


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