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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Out With The Old

Date of occurrence:
December 31, 2013.

We are having the pleasure of spending New Year's Eve with our grandchildren. They are all excited and looking forward to the fireworks, but there is some business that has to be taken care of first.

Princess Emmaly proclaims she has to use the bathroom and suits her actions to her words. She disappears in the bathroom and takes her place on the porcelain throne.

She is gone for a long time and we hear a lot of moaning and groaning.

It takes a little longer and more distressful noises reach our ears. We are getting a little concerned. I ask her if she is okay, to which she answers: "Yes. I just have a lot of poop."

I suppose this princess wanted to start the New Year with a clean slate. We just weren't aware of the fact that she took the 'out with the old' so literal! Grin.


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