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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Rain, Rain....

Date of occurrence:
April 25, 2015.

It's a rainy day and playing outside is out of the question.

Levi has to engage himself otherwise and with some help of his parents, he has no problem doing so.

That is not surprisingly. With such a huge 'coloring page' on the wall, who would be bored?

It also serves another purpose; there is no space for Levi to try out his artistic abilities by marking up the walls. Grin.

I don't think the dreary weather is bothering him very much. He seems to be totally preoccupied with turning this white canvas into a colorful piece of art.

The likelihood of hearing our little guy sing 'Rain, rain, go away' is slim to none.

As far as Levi is concerned the rain can stay!


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