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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Play-Date

Date of occurrence:
April 25, 2015.

While I accompanied our oldest grandson to the Spring Fling which was being held at school, we ran into Kc's classmate little Miss A.

Kc is rather smitten with her and apparently the feeling is mutual, because she stopped me right in my tracks when she saw me and asked if it was okay if she and Kc had a play-date sometime.

I had no objections and told her it was fine by us if it was okay with her parents. I also mentioned to her I would give Kc a note with our phone number and asked her to have her mom call us to set up date, time, and place.

True to my word, the next day I wrote a note and Kc passed it on to little Miss A. After a few calls back and forth, we agreed that today would be perfect.

She arrived around 10:30 am and the two kids played outside for a while. Kc's demonstrated his remote controlled helicopter and other toys, but she loved his guitar most of all.

She even could play some notes and already instructed Kc to bring it with him the next time they got together at her house. They sure had a ton of fun. How do I know?

I heard them laugh out loud many times and little Miss A stayed well into the late afternoon!


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