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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Butter Bacon Icecream

Date of occurrence:
May 14, 2015.

Yesterday, Kc wanted to know if we had ice cream. I told him we had some popsicles, but that was not what he had in mind. He meant 'real ice cream' as he called it.

I told him we didn't have any, but I would buy some the next time I would go grocery shopping if he told me what flavor he wanted and would write it on the shopping list. He concluded he had a taste for butter pecan ice cream.

Okay, write it on the list and I will get it. He protested a little, because he didn't want to write it down. After I told him if it wasn't on the list I would likely forget it, he rushed to the kitchen and added it to the list of groceries.

This morning we went to the store. While we were on our way, I went through the list of needed things and busted out laughing.

I don't know where Kc's head was when he jotted down the desired ice cream, but almost at the end of the list it said: butter bacon ice cream.

The most astonishing part of it all is that it really does exist!


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