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Friday, September 4, 2015

Cutting Up

Date of occurrence:
May 18, 2015.

I sometimes wonder what is going on in our oldest grandson's little head. Take today for instance; we picked him up from school in the afternoon and upon arrival at home and getting out of the car, something caught my eye.

I intended to take a closer look at it, but due to the hustle and bustle of getting in, checking mail, checking his backpack, etc., I forgot.

Not for long though.

As Kc walked by, it caught my eye again and this time I asked him what was on his school pants.

He turned around and three gaping holes and several minor ones stared me in the face.

Me: "Oh dear. What happened to your pants?"
Kc, a little hesitant: "I cut them with my scissors."
Me: "Why?"
Kc: "Because I love cutting".

He admitted he knew it was the wrong thing to do when he did it, but he just wanted to. We came to the solution that he had to dive into his piggy bank and pay for a new pair of pants.

He also promised he would attack a piece of paper the next time he laid his hands on a pair of scissors and the urge to destroy something would become overwhelming.

That's a done deal and we get back to the business of the day: cutting up! Grin.


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