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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Friend Or Foe

Date of occurrence:
May 26, 2015.

It is so nice and comforting to know you are being loved, cared for, and watched over and out for. Not just by the parents, but the dog too.

Tyson seems to be very protective of our little Daley. Even though it may have been getting used to, having someone else around in the house, Daley was accepted right away.

Yes, Daley has already made a friend.

Or.... has he? Today, a week after the above picture was taken Tyson grabbed the opportunity with both jaws and chewed up Daley's bottle.

So much for being a friend, huh. Maybe that's what Tyson thought when Daley wouldn't share. There is no telling what went on in that dog's mind.

It does make us wonder though: is he a friend or a foe?


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