Mom's Mini "Me-Time"
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dove Ice Cream. All opinions are 100% mine.
There is a Dutch expression which, literally translated, says: one has the joys, but not the burdens. That is pretty much what it comes down to being a grandparent.I truly enjoy having all three of our grandchildren over and spend almost all my time with them. I delight in their actions, words, play and even the little stunts they pull every now and then and let their parents worry with the rest.
They are a handful though and I can imagine their mom needs some time to herself every now and then. I would be so happy for her if she would enter the DOVE® Ice Cream Miniatures "My Mini Moment" contest and win one of 3 sensational mini-grand prizes: a mini-getaway to Napa Valley, Spa services for a year or a mini-home makeover.
She is not the only one who could use some "me-time"; practically all moms do. My advice would be: enter the contest! Share your favorite mini moment of escape by submitting a photo and short essay at by June 7, 2010.

You know what that means; two more reason to take a break each day!
Ice creams are yummilicious =)))
Sorry, you can't have any! Too many calories, remember? Hehe.
God's Grace.
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