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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Telling Stories Around An Eco-Friendly Stove

This post brought to you by QuadraFire. All opinions are 100% mine.

Imagine sitting around a campfire with your grandchildren and telling stories. The mesmerizing flames and the shadows they cast enhance the atmosphere and the radiating heat keeps the cold air at bay.

It is not always possible to go outside and enjoy the pleasures of nature. It is not even necessary, because the same effect, and then some, can be created with QuadraFire Pellet Stoves and Mother Nature won't suffer a bit.

There is absolutely no carbon emission with these pellet stoves, because the biomass fuels are composed of renewable, carbon-neutral products. A pellet stove is a popular heating alternative for your abode and costs 44% less than oil, 47% less than electric, and 53% less than propane heat.

Proven performance, durability, easily controllable, Eco-friendly, and savings on top? I couldn't believe it until I checked out the infographic below.

Pellet Stoves are Awesome

Another thing to keep in mind is that when you purchase a 75 percent efficient biomass heating appliance between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013, you could get a 10% tax credit of up to $300 through the 'tax extender' for Internal Revenue Service Section 25C.

How about receiving a Quadra-Fire notebook? Enter my giveaway by leaving a comment on this post. Share why you like Quadra-Fire and your comment could win you a journal sized book made from recycled materials with a pen. Include your email-address for contact purposes in your comment and by February 28th, 2013, the winner will be selected.

I think it is incredible being able to stay warm, saving the environment, and a bunch of money at the same time. If we are on the same page, follow Quadra-Fire on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and share with your friends.

Forget that polluting campfire. Get a QuadraFire pellet stove and enjoy it not only this season, but many more to come!

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