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Friday, March 15, 2013

Going A Long Way

This post brought to you by Cooper Tire. All opinions are 100% mine.

Our grandchildren will be visiting this coming Sunday. That means they will have to drive for several hours, spend lots of money on gas and have to depend on a good car.

We don't know what kind of weather they will run into, but we hope they have reliable tires that can handle any situation and keep them save. We all need those on a daily basis and I am thinking Cooper Tire here; they have been manufacturing quality passenger, light truck, sport utility, performance and winter tires for nearly 100 years.

Speaking of which, Cooper Tire is commemorating daily road trips by running a contest. It started on March 1st, runs through March 29th, 2013, and offers a chance to win gas for an entire year.

Entering is simple; make a video, take photos, or write a story about your not-so every day road trip. Be creative and submit it on the Cooper Tire Facebook page. You can gather some inspiration and ideas by watching this video.

The best written story will win a $100 gift card to use toward gas for one week while the highest rated photo entry will receive a $500 gift card to use toward gas for one month. The top five video finalists will each win a new set of four Cooper tires and advance to the final phase of the competition.

This is where Cooper Tire Facebook fans come in. They will be encouraged to vote for their favorite video in order to help determine the final winner. The video with the combined highest score and most votes will be awarded a gift card for $5,000 toward gas for one year.

There is more to the Cooper Tire's My Every Day Road Trip Contest, because voters have a chance to win a Road Trip Kit including a $100 Cooper Tire auto service voucher, a $50 gas card, $50 iTunes gift card, and Cooper gear.

Beginning April 15, fans will automatically receive an entry to win this Road Trip Kit for each vote (one per day) they cast. For more information on the contest, sweepstakes rules, and submission guidelines, visit the Cooper Tire website.

Why not 'Like' the Cooper Tire Facebook fan page and enter the contest? Your extraordinary daily drives could yield free gas for a year. That would go a long way!

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