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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Coming Over For A Visit

We are so excited, because today our grandchildren will be coming over for a visit. It has been since the end of July of the previous year, when we last saw them up close and personal. Although we had regular contact and face-time during their absence, it is just not the same.

Wednesday, out of the blue, their dad called and told us they would be down here for the day. He asked if we wanted to see the children. What an odd question; of course we do! He said they would be here around 9 am, drop the kids off, and would return around 3 pm to pick them up.

We are so looking forward to it and prepped the house; the toys are all out and in their usual place, their favorite food is in the fridge and ready for consumption, and the play fort we got them as a birthday present is waiting in the yard to be used for the first time.

The weather is going to be nice, so that wouldn't present a problem during their travel and all we can do now is wait, hope, and pray nothing will interfere with or stop the visit. If that would happen, we would say that's a real bummer.

Our oldest grandson would say; "Oh maaaaaaaan"! :-)


Blogger audrey` said...

Oh yeeesssss! They came and had a very lovely time with you, Lieve Zus :)

21/3/13 7:39 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

I don't know who had the best time though, lieve zus; them or us. Grin.

God's Grace.

21/3/13 7:43 AM  

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