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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Keeping Up

Date of occurrence:
November 13, 2012.

After having seen our other grandchildren on Face time, we wondered if that would also work with a phone overseas. That would be quick and easy and I decided to ask Levi's mom the first chance I would get.

That chance came quick when I talked to our daughter yesterday, but unfortunately she had gotten a new phone not too long ago which didn't have that feature. That was what you would call a bummer.

She had wanted to download Skype for a while now and had not yet gotten around to it, but would do so as soon as possible. Since she was off from work today, we could try it and see them the moment she had installed it.

It worked and there they were. It was so great being able to see both of them.

Our little guy managed to sit still in her lap for a bit, but didn't know what to think of his mom holding the phone in front of his face all the time.

After a little while he got antsy and wanted down. He quickly crawled towards his toys and enjoyed playing, while we enjoyed watching him. He is so precious and we are so thankful for him.

Another thing we are thankful for is all this technology. It may be hard to keep up with, but it sure enables us to keep up with our loved ones!


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