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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Music To Our Ears

Date of occurrence:
February 9, 2013.

Little Isabella is doing very well and growing like a cabbage as the expression goes in the Netherlands. She is almost a month old now and is extremely curious. She loves to watch what is going on around her and examines everything in her sight.

She has a particular interest in the fan in the dining room and can hardly take her eyes off of it. I am not sure about the relationship they are developing, but it seems to me that it is going around in circles.

Since the only sounds we got to hear from her so far are grunting noises, I have been trying to entice her to sing another tune so to speak by talking to her and making O and A sounds. She seems to be interested and on rare occasions tried to mimic me, but no noises came from her mouth.

Until today that is, when she finally treated us to something different than her grunts. Some soft mutterings and slight cooing filled the air, but it was music to our ears. She even produced a smile, although I think that was not intentional.

It is a start though and we are proud of her. If she continues like this, my suspicion for the near future is that we wished she would shut up.

At least for a little while! Grin.


Blogger audrey` said...

HaHa! Grin! Hi Lieve Zus! :)

14/6/13 10:45 AM  

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