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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sleeping Like A Log

Date of occurrence:
February 11, 2013.

The cold weather and regular fall of snow continues to plague Levi's neck of the woods. Well, I suppose it is a matter of perspective; what some would consider being a plague, could be a blessing to others.

I can totally imagine Levi considers himself to fall under the category of the latter. Snow is fun and although it may be cold you can dress up for or be dressed up for it, as the case is where our little guy is concerned.

The expression goes that you got to make hay while the sun shines, but what do you do when snow blankets your environment? You got to make the most out of it by building snowmen and taking sleigh rides.

I don't know if Levi got to build a snowman, but he sure enjoyed the pleasures of being pulled through the snow on a sleigh.

His parents took him out every chance they got and even though Levi may still be too young to remember it later on in his life, the sight of snow will instill feelings of joy and excitement.

One thing is for sure; all that fun and cold air are guaranteed to make you rosy.

I am not surprised our little guy totally conked out after so much excitement.

And that is quite obvious too; he slept like a log!


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