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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Up For Discussion

Date of occurrence:
February 14, 2013.

Although Levi can walk, he simply refuses to do it on his own. As long as someone holds his hand, he has no problem setting one foot in front of the other, but he is still too insecure to do it all by himself.

That is quite odd when you take into consideration that he has absolutely no quam when it comes to climbing on, in, and over anything which even remotely lends itself for that purpose.

One thing he already took notion of real quickly is that if you want to discuss something there is no better way then to put the subject on the table.

It is actually killing two birds with one stone; you not only get to discuss the subject on the table, but also get to any desired object on it much quicker and easier.

I don't think he has figured out yet that some things are simply not up for discussion. He couldn't know that unless and until he brought it up. And so he did.

"What??? No climbing on the table? Oh, come on mom! Can we at least talk about it?"

The discussion was closed before it even began and the only option Levi had was to agree to disagree.

One thing is for sure; our little guy hasn't limited himself to being a curtain-climber! Grin.


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