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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Till Soon, Little Rascals!

Date of occurrence:
August 4, 2013.

It is that time again where our grandchildren have to return home and go about their daily business. We hate to see them leave. Oh well, God knows all about and we are also very grateful for the time we were able to spend with them.

They stayed at their other grandma last night and are coming by to tell us goodbye. We don't have to wait long before they arrive and their voices fill the air one more time. Armed with bags full of toys and some money for on the road, they are about to head out.

Before they leave, we throw some good advice at them with the hope it will stick. Our little granddaughter Emmaly gets the advice to keep her 'listening' ears on, since she has the tendency to ignore what she is being told.

Leo is given the advice not to be mean to others, because he likes to pick on them and his sister in particular. Kc is told to stop making up stories and drawing negative attention. They all say 'Okay', but it still has to be seen if they take it to heart.

For now, we hope they will arrive home safe and sound. Till soon, little rascals!


Blogger audrey` said...

Just a tiny question, Lieve Zus :) Could the year of occurrence be an earlier year instead of 2014?

1/5/14 6:00 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thanks for being so observant, lieve zus! :-)

God's Grace.

2/5/14 5:18 AM  

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