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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Making Fond Memories

Date of occurrence:
August 9, 2013.

It is such a beautiful day and Levi is taking full advantage of it by playing in and exploring the yard.

The little guy seems to find most everything worthy of a big smile and he does not shy away from talking about it either.

It most definitely requires a lot of his attention and you can imagine that by the end of the day the little critter is pretty much exhausted.

I don't think his mom minds the latter; all that babbling and keeping a close eye on our energetic grandson wears her out as well.

It is so nice to incorporate a little down-time before Mr. Sandman comes by and shuts those little eyes for the night. It makes his work a little quicker and easier too.

There is no better way to do that than snuggling up against mom, cuddling and having some fun together. This has more benefits than just the ones mentioned above.

It results in a wonderful picture and very fond memories!


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