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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fun And Games

Date of occurrence:
July 28, 2013.

Even for our little guy, the week is pretty much filled with have to do's and need to do's. That leaves little room for the want to do's and other fun stuff.

Sure, there is plenty of time left to play after having taken care of business. It is not as much fun though covering up the space with toys and figuring out what mischief to get into next all by yourself.

It is much more enjoyable when your parents provide the fun and participate. It is a good thing Mom and Dad got plenty of ideas how to fill the weekend. They know exactly where to go to and what to do and Levi is always up for exploring and discovering.

Today was an excellent day to check out the beach. Running, digging, and playing in the sand were right up Levi's alley. He had no objections either against testing the waters and getting his feet wet, among other things.

I am not sure whether his parents decided to eat out before they went to the beach, but I suspect they did. They knew the score and probably already anticipated the little critter would be covered up.

And not just with fun and games!


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