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Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Sweet Treat

Date of occurrence:
January 3, 2014.

It seems like Levi has made it his New Year's resolution to help out his mom a little in the kitchen.

He has got to start somewhere and what better way is there than baking cookies? That's right: none.

The aspiring cook already knows how to delegate and leaves it up to mom to mix all the ingredients together.

He takes care of the fun part by shaping the dough. He has got to take his sweet time for that. After all, you don't get to play with your food every day.

There is another upside to this learning experience and that is sampling the results.

Gathering from his face, they must have done a good job by whipping up a tasty batch.

It takes a little more sampling in order to be sure whether the cookies past the taste-test and I am quite sure our little guy has no problem with that.

Our sweet treat is always in for one!


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