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Thursday, May 28, 2015

A New Grand Baby

Date of occurrence:
July 21, 2014.

Our youngest daughter in the Netherlands sent us an e-mail asking if we could give her a call. Sure, no problem, at least we thought so. It was a problem. We were not able to get through to her, so we e-mailed and asked to go on Skype.

That didn't work out so well either. Somehow our provider threw a wrench in the works there as well. We could talk for a few seconds and then Skype would hang up and cut us off.

At one point when it was working again, our daughter managed to squeeze in that she is pregnant and the new addition is expected in March or beginning of April. We are so happy, but can't get another word in anymore; Skype won't let us.

Where there is a will there is a way.

So we continue the conversation through e-mail.

She is doing fine and they will keep an eye on her. How exciting! Levi will be getting a new sibling.

Yes, our little guy is going to be a big brother!


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