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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Dog Whisperer

Date of occurrence:
July 20, 2014.

Our dog Flo is happy having the kids around. Unfortunately, she doesn't get to play with them very much, because she has the habit of jumping up on their backs and, by doing so, scratching them with her nails.

We haven't been able to break her of that habit and we know she doesn't do it to hurt them, but we can't subject the children to it. So, we put her on the leash while they are playing in the yard.

I let her off when I am around. For some reason she won't do it when I am keeping watch, but she will as soon as I turn my back.

As I let Flo off her leash, she walks up to Emmaly who is sitting in a chair. She stops right in front of her and sits down.

Emmaly is talking to and petting her and suddenly holds out her hand.

Without hesitation, Flo puts her paw in Emmaly's hand and they both sit there for a second, looking into each other's eyes.

It is almost like she is apologizing for her previous behavior, silly dog. You got to love her and she ensures you do, or.... maybe Emmaly has a gift?

Our Princess Wookie Wonderfoot could turn out to be a dog whisperer!


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