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Monday, May 25, 2015

Keeping Our Cool

Date of occurrence:
July 13, 2014.

It is hot outside, but it is almost just as hot inside. Since a few days now it seems like there is simply no escape from the heat. Something is wrong and we suspect our air conditioner is not entirely up to snuff.

We are able to cope during the day, although it is getting tougher by the minute. The biggest problem to overcome is trying not to end up drifting out of bed on a river of sweat during the night.

In other words; it is getting pretty miserable and even though we don't want to, we have to make the executive decision to let the children stay with their mom. We sure will miss them, but at least they will be cool and comfortable over there.

As soon as they get back from church, we get them ready to leave this oven. Aunt A. takes them to mom where they will stay until the problem is fixed. We can only hope that will be soon, because we will miss those little rascals, but it is best for them to vacate the premises.

As for us; we will try and keep our cool!


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