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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Costly Actions

Date of occurrence:
May 26, 2015.

We don't know what got into our little man, but today was not a good day for him.

Right of the bat, he got in trouble at school for excessive talking. He ignored the teacher's warnings and she had to move him.

He took his time doing his class-work and when the teacher told him it would affect his grade if he didn't finish in the allotted time, he got angry and slammed his folder on his desk. His conduct chart now shows a 'U' for unacceptable behavior.

As if all that wasn't enough yet, his mom found out that he had bought something online while playing and looking for games on her phone. She had told him he could install any game he wanted, but NOT to buy anything.

Kc came across a game he liked and in spite of his mother's warning he hit the 'Buy Now' button. Thankfully, mom found out pretty quick and was able to reverse the $65 purchase.

He royally admitted none of the above was a mistake or accident and suffered the consequences of his actions: he spent almost all afternoon writing an apology letter to his teacher and is not allowed to go on the computer, phone, or tablet for two weeks.

Even if they had been mistakes, they were costly!


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